Elektor Lab Talk #30: FPGA Audio Player

Join Elektor editors Brian Tristam Williams and Jens Nickel for the Lab Talk, where we’ll explore FPGA-based audio processing with Dr. Christian Nöding. We’ll discuss Christian’s FPGA audio player project and touch on other related topics, including audio latency and Bluetooth LE

What’s on the agenda?

  • Elektor Magazine March Edition – A look at what’s inside the latest edition. including RISC-V and FPGA audio processing
  • FPGA Audio Player Project – Christian shares the background of his project and why he chose the Arduino Vidor 4000
  • Behringer Expansion Port – Insights into how it works and why it’s important for FPGA-based audio
  • Open Discussion – Informal chat about audio projects, latency, Bluetooth LE, and more
