In this video I use my FPGA audio player (FBAPE = Fpga Based AudioPlayer with EQs) built in a previous video to build my own DIY expansion card for the Behringer X32.
The new card receives 32 audio channels with 24bit at 48kHz, processes them and sends 32 channels back to the X32. So, the X32 is now capable of mixing 64 individual channels: 32 channels within the console and 32 channels from stageboxes within the new card, which are routed back to the AUX-channels, which gives us even up to 68 channels!
MP3 files can be played back via an SD card and the system can be controlled via the original X-LIVE-controls within the console, a web interface over WiFi or a Windows software. There are more cool features within this new card: a DMX512-output for your lighs, an ethernet-connection and WiFi. Even Bluetooth is possible. MQTT and more features are prepared, too.
Some features need a bit more testing (e.g. support of X-Touch), but the overall system is working great. In my opinion this is an excellent basis for further developments.